Friday, September 25, 2020

Bio of Som Karamchetty, PhD


Som Karamchetty, PhD

     After working as an executive and as a senior staffer for sixteen years, Som retired from the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) in 2004. Som was on the faculties of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, The University of Newcastle, Australia, and Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA as a full time member, or a visiting professor for over two decades.  He served as the ARL Distinguished Visiting Professor at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA in 1996.

     In a sixty year engineering, applied research, and management career, he delivered several reports to customers and inventions to his employers, and received three patents and several awards. He was chosen as the Principal Technology Investigator for Artificial Intelligence and manager of advanced technology projects at Martin Marietta Data Systems. In 2016, he published a peer reviewed paper on hierarchical engineering model of the human body in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) publication.

     Dr. Karamchetty received M Tech and PhD degrees from IIT, Kharagpur, and BE (Hons) from College of Engineering, Kakinada, India. Trained as a Program Manager from the Defense Systems Management College (DSMC) he was admitted to the US Army Acquisition Corps in 1993. He is a life Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), held ASME committee positions, and was also a member of several professional associations.

     As a volunteer business mentor with SCORE Association from 2004, he counseled over 2,500 clients with a good fraction of his clients having started businesses and created jobs. He was honored as an Emeritus Mentor.

     He continues to write new concepts and proffers suggestions in a number of areas and works to help India and US in technical and business sectors.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

A Report on the plight of US unless it corrects its course


The Right Course for US

Here is a very interesting and informative presentation at the link below. The US should look at it as a warning sign.

What we consume and what assets we have are not measures of our likely future. What we produce and what our capabilities to produce are the real indicators of our future.

The US should bring its production home and to very good friends in order to begin producing everything we need. Otherwise, before long, the workforce will forget how to make anything. Here are the indicators.

Over a half a century ago, young people used to distribute newspapers, help mother in washing dishes, assist dad in mowing the lawn, do child minding, work part time as waiters and waitresses in restaurants, and so on. They knew how to do manual work to earn and save money, and to create wealth for themselves and thus for the nation. Consequently, they used to grow up with good communication, marketing, making, and management skills. American farmers produced enough grains to help the hungry nations.

Now, children and young people get pocket money from parents to buy imported electronic devices and apps to play games using only their fingers. Parents take loans so that the children can pursue soft subjects in school and college.

Americans get immigrants to do manual labor. The immigrant laborers use imported machines and tools. We have no strategic plan to train unskilled laborers. The result is that they remain unskilled forever needing basic welfare benefits. Our academics do great theoretical and analytical discoveries and inventions. However, it is known that such creative ideas and concepts yield only single digit wealth while the final manufactured products yield high double digit returns.

We started counting a few hundred billionaires while ignoring hundred million families unsure of their future.

We should start making things before we forget what manufacturing is.

We should begin exercising our limbs again lest we suffer muscular dystrophy.

We should get back to building bridges and canals for international trade and development lest we are forced to build space high walls to defend our lands.

We should enrich our workforce skills along with advanced robotic and AI/ML technologies so the machines serve us lest we get forced to serve the masters of such machines.

We should deploy our intellectual, creative, communication, and manual capabilities so that all citizens work and enjoy the fruits and flavors of our combined effort.

Here is the link.

