Friday, October 22, 2021

Concept of a Prepaid Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care programs

 Concept of a Prepaid Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care program

 by Som Karamchetty

As people get older, they may have a real need for and start looking for Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care Programs [1, 2]. They will find them to be costlier than they had hoped and delay getting into them. Finally, when they do get into such programs, they will be looking for help from family members, governments, and other charities.

 It occurred to me that there should be Prepaid Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care Programs. With such programs, people could choose to pay into their programs while they have jobs and incomes. If such payments are tax deductible, there will be more attractive to younger and middle aged people.

There are already Long-term healthcare programs [3], prepaid funeral programs [4], and Prepaid College Tuition Programs [5] for guidance.

Hence, it is reasonable to think of prepaid Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care programs. 

The concept of care at various stages of one’s life comes when we think of a society. For humans, unlike animals, other members of the society provides care at various stages of their life. While animals can get up and be self-supportive after a brief time in their life, they can survive on their own. Of course, some animals form into societies and render some level of assistance and care for their young, sick, and old. It is also possible that some older and stronger members of the animal society take advantage of the young, weak, and old.


With humans, the society likes to protect and assist the weak, although the extent of such care and support depends on the society and its willingness and ability to render such care and assistance.

In modern societies, governments became dominant and the old concept of society has weakened. Modern people start talking about saving and taking measures and means to take care of themselves when they need help in the future. But, people are all not starting from the same baseline. Some people start life with assured help, and some others start with a silver spoon in their mouth. Unfortunately, in modern societies, a large number of people start with nothing and barely survive. Even those people who are called the middle class cannot cope inflationary costs. Thus, there are large populations of people in every country that look for the government and charities to help when their needs are severe. It must also be stated that some people do not care for their future and save nothing themselves or claim a human right that the government or other charities should take care of them in their time of need.

 Here is where smarter societies come up with insurance programs, prepaid programs, and philanthropic missions.

Since all people do not live the same lifestyle, they also seek different care programs. In the modern society goods and services can be procured from larger global locations at various costs. By extending such a concept to these care programs, it is possible for people to choose the type of care they would like to get when they need them later on. Thus, they can choose the program they pay for or their donors are willing to give them.

Thus, prepaid Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care Programs of various types can be structured and individuals can be given the option to choose the program they like to and that they can afford.

It is about time for The United States, a nation where the people pride themselves of individual responsibility, choice, and payment, to start thinking of such programs. Such programs will let the Government focus on what they should essentially do.

Reference links:







Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Wall and Floor tiles with Marble Veneer

A Method for Producing very Affordable Marble-Veneered Wall and Floor Tiles

By Som Karamchetty, PhD 

     Here is a presentation that shows how we could get floor and wall tiles with inferior stone (or concrete blocks) with attractive facing using Marble as veneer.

     Traditional methods might suggest thin slices of marble can be cut and glued to low quality stone or concrete tiles. But, there is a limit to how thin one can cut and handle marble without breaking it.

     With the suggested method, the tiles are cut after the gluing or joining is done, the thickness of the marble veneer can be very small. I am not able to specify the minimum thickness without actually conducting experiments.

     But, the main advantage is that by this method, marble can be made available to more homes and offices. Since walls and floors with marble as the front do not require annual painting, it saves costs and leads to lesser amount of wasteful paint material. Thus, it will lead to lower costs and pollution levels.

{The pictures in the presentation say that one needs Som's prior written approval to produce and market them. That can be ignored as the idea was old and I never marketed it. Use it to conserve Marble blocks and have more tiles with good finish at affordable prices. I will be happy if the developers acknowledge my contribution.}

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Links with Information on Wills and Trusts to Help Friends who may Benefit from such Information

 Trusting and then Entrusting our Care and our Descendant's Care & Assets to Trusts or Whatever and However [1]

As I was seeing a number of situations where people are living happily and are busy with their lives. Good! They have good families and great jobs and gain good wealth. In most cases, life goes on quite well and ends well.

But, unfortunately, in the case of some families, things take a bad turn. I am neither an expert nor even a specialist in managing one’s finances and family affairs, but had suggested a few things by looking at reference sources. More importantly, I think I foresee potential problems and alert people to take due steps while the sun is shining. I know and they also know that rainy days will come but they are too busy earning and spending that they do not think of the rainy and snowy seasons.

With so many bad things happening in the world and the amount of kindness bestowed by people, even close relatives and friends, is becoming severely limited, one has to take care of things for oneself. By and large, it is possible.

For example, I had suggested that young people going overseas for higher studies should take life insurance coverage so that their parents are not left with a big loan to pay, minus a child on whom they had all hopes for a bright future. It is worse if the child is severely ill in a foreign country. With the recent COVID-19 virus and the resulting restrictions and quarantine requirements, traveling to a foreign country is nearly impossible.

Now, let us discuss some situations.

1. One is doing well and has good assets. What happens if that person falls ill and is incapacitated? Can one’s spouse help? Does the spouse have access to the funds they have? It is very difficult to get help without cash to pay for services.

2. If one is single but falls severely sick, who will take care of that person by accessing that person’s assets and previously expressed wishes to get healthcare? Young, middle aged, persons take life and health for granted. It is okay most of the time but should a disaster strike them by way of an accident or an incapacitating illness, their money does not come to their aid if they had not made appropriate arrangements ahead of time.

I had heard people telling stories about what a miserable life a highly popular and talented Telugu movie actress led when she fell sick despite the fact that she had acted in scores of movies and earned considerable wealth. She died in a poor shack with no medical help. An identical story is told about a highly popular Hindi movie actress also.  

Some people live on their own and contact their friends and family sparingly. Should something happen to them, their end will be miserable.

I know of the case of a colleague who was in fine health. His wife was in the travel business and was once on a business trip. She returned home after a few days of her trip while wondering with some anxiety that the husband had not answered her phone calls and would not come to the airport to receive her. When she reached home, she found him dead. He had died after a severe heart attack.

A few years back, an acquaintance of mine returned home from a business trip. He did not have the key to his home. When he knocked on his door, his wife did not respond. He decided to go to a fast food place, have a sandwich for lunch. He returned after an hour and knocked on his door. They had a small dog that was barking. He went to the back side of the house where they had a large French door and knocked on the door. Their dog continued severe barking and fortunately pulled the drapes a little from which gap he could see his wife lying on the floor. He called 911. The emergency responders came, broke the lock, opened the door, and found that the wife had suffered a stroke several hours earlier. She was admitted to the hospital. She was in coma and had severe health problems.  Fortunately, she survived and has been recovering slowly. One would never know when a serious jolt hits us. This gentleman was in a gig business and had only a few weeks back joined a permanent job that offered good medical benefits. If he were in his gig job with no health insurance , he could not have paid the medical and therapy bills for his wife’s long recovery and rehabilitation.

It is not my intention to recite a number of such bad incidents here and spoil your day. I want to merely emphasize that unfortunate things can happen anytime. The question is, “Can we protect ourselves so that we do not suffer unnecessary consequences.” Particularly with some emerging and existing excellent technical devices and systems, some situations can be protected. But we do not have personal robot-valets yet. That is for my bio-medical technologist friends to explore.

For the rest of us, we should have some friends and/or relatives to take care of our status and assist us with our own assets, insurance coverage, wills, and trusts, if the need arises.

Some precautionary steps are critical for seniors living on their own. It is equally critical for those who have adult children who cannot take care of even themselves. Complicated government regulations and procedures do not help much. Things are much worse these days with continual phone calls and other communications from both domestic and international scammers who make life and living even more complex. I hope my friends with expertise in financial affairs, ethical accounting procedures, and technology will address the issues stemming from the current and emerging life in the society such that we take care of ourselves and our loved ones and leave this world with little unnecessary suffering when the last call comes for us.

I cannot and may not advise anyone on this topic as I have neither the licenses to do such practice nor the knowledge to teach anyone.

So, I collected some links with information on how to address some financial situations with wills and trusts in response to someone’s question about how to take care oneself as well as an adult child currently suffering from some health problems. 

I also hope that my knowledgeable friends would add more links as comments.

I would like someone with expertise in this area to write a nice paper explaining the choices and which choice best fits someone with certain conditions and the whole process. It should be almost like a cooking recipe with the nutritional and allergy implications.

Once a good document is posted and I am advised about it, I will consider deleting this document and post. If this document does not help or if it is more confusing than not having it, please let me know.

There are very likely to be variations from one country to another and it will be nice if some knowledgeable people post such country or state specific information.

Information should be ultimately actionable.

[1] I do not take any responsibility for this post as I am merely providing some links with information with no obligation. I do not vouch for the information at these links but, as a lay person, feel that these links give us some education. Some of these links are for information from companies that may be in the business of setting up trusts. There will be some advertisements at the websites at these links and please beware and not fall for scams. Please read the information. Try to understand the particulars. See where you may get some good, honest, appropriate, and affordable help.

Here are some links:


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Concept for the development of a Digital version of the Vaikuntapali game


The Concept for the Development of a Digital Version of the Vaikuntapali Game (Version 1)

Somayajulu Karamchetty

19 June 2021

A word of caution: In my opinion, it is the worst idea to call it a game of “Snakes and Ladders.”

Let us continue to call it Vaikuntapali.

Yes! It is a game but its purpose is to teach children (and some grown-ups) the Adhyathmika, Vedic, and Daivika values.

Short-term goals and objectives:

Create interest in children in the game.

Instill the moral and ethical values in the children and some adults too.

Long-term goals and objectives:

Introduce them to Dharmic, Daivika, Adhyathmika, and Vedik values.

Introduce instruction and provide resources to learn about Dharmic knowledge.


These will be done by developing versions of the game over a 5 to 10 year period.


Strat in Telugu language for Telugu speaking people initially and then dub it into Hindi and on to other Indian and foreign languages depending on resources and interest.


Computer Graphics, text, audio, video, animations, and live Videos.

Number of Players:

Single versus Teams online.


We need to do a literature search and find out who invented this game and when. One of the videos states that this game was invented some two centuries BC.

Brief Description about the Game:

In the old days, when paper is the only medium available, the game had certain limitations. They used words and pictures to teach players some spiritual and cultural values. The elders in the family and society explained deeper meanings or stories related to the pictures in the squares.

There are three types of squares on the game board. One type of square instructs, “You do good, and you move to (Oordhva gathi) higher levels.” The second type of square instructs, “You do bad, and you move downward (Adhogathi).” The third type of square instructs, “You do routine things, you move ok or stay there until your next turn of the Kalagathi (dice).”

The move is determined by (the throwing of) Dice (Kalagathi). In that sense, you cannot move arbitrarily at your own will. You have to bow down to the spin of the Kalachakram (Dice).

As you land in a square, it tells you what you have done and what the consequences are.

Thus, each square teaches a lesson. If a child is simply interested in winning the game, the very purpose of the game is lost. The game is a simulation exercise that teaches Dharmic values and good behavior. Win or lose the game, the lessons taught by each square should be absorbed by the players.

In the traditional set up, knowledgeable and experienced (older) players explained the lessons that the words and pictures in a square were imparting. With computerized game, there is no need for a human expert to impart the lessons. The game system can/should do that. Such a method preserves and perpetrates the original intention of the game developers.

With computer systems, it is possible to provide instructions in the form of words that players read, pictures they see, audio that they hear, and video that they watch.

It is possible to play the game online (in later versions) and pravachanakars can interact with players and explain some of the values and stories if we miss to capture them in the computer version.

There can be several versions of the game at the choice of the players.

1. A version that is purely for fun and to kill time. (This version is only to attract novices and should be removed after the later versions are introduced and the game become popular.)

2. A version that gives short lessons such that the game proceeds faster with minimal instruction of the values.

3. A version that gives basic lessons on actions (or behavior) and the results (or consequences).

4. Advanced versions with longer videos that go into details of the characteristics of our actions and the consequential returns with exemplary stories (puranic as well as social).

5. A version may provide links to puranic episodes and Vedic & Upanishadic sources so that interested people pursue such sources for deeper knowledge and understanding.

6. Each version is translated and dubbed into other Indian and foreign languages based on the availability of resources, interest, and markets.

From a business point of view, the versions try to get the player to view the game first and then to devote time to learn the deeper details. They try to interest them, hook them and then motivate them to learn the devotional and philosophical principles. Here is where links to the works of other writers, artists, and singers, dramatists, videos might be handy. (I am talking about long-term versions.)

From a social point of view, it should make the players familiar with the basic behavioral characteristics and teach the Daivik and Vedic precepts.

Development Team and Leaders:

(Legend: TBD = To be Designated and TBV = To Be Volunteered)

1. Chief Executive and Accomplisher (CEA) (Brahma of the Game): TBD/TBV


For the success of a project, there should be a person who will be the driving force behind the whole effort until the effort gets its own wings. He or she envisions and steers the project till it is handed over to an organization to run smoothly thereafter.

With the help of his/her team, the CEA will move the project by getting the necessary resources of all kinds and overcomes any hurdles and completes the project to take it to its goal(s).

One of our friends offered to be the person who will execute the Project. The project will be handed over to the CEA or Brahma as soon as possible once this discussion phase is finalized.

2. Chief Supporter and Cheer Leader (CSCL):

As the initiator of this concept (computerization together with the incorporation of the Dharma Sastra episodes as learning aspects into the game, Somayajulu Karamchetty, volunteers to fill the role initially and temporarily. It may not be possible for him to accomplish the goals owing to natural limitations. Of course, he will provide some modest resources towards the project.

Other Chief Supporters and Cheer Leaders (CSCL)’s are invited to volunteer their services and resources. Your commitment will move the project towards its goal faster and with efficiency.

3. Game Architect and Chief Designer (GACD) (Maya): TBD/TBV

Someone with software development skills is required to envisage the software architecture and design it. He/she will plan the various versions of the game.

In coordination with the Chief Executive (CEA), he/she will develop schedules, milestones, resource requirements, and personnel needs for the project.

4. Theme(s) Developers (TD): TBD/TBV

This person determines the themes for each square on the game board. There will be several knowledgeable persons who will be requested to contribute the themes for each square. The themes will be such that they can be converted into snippets, pictures, short and long textual stories, audios and videos of tiny, short, and long duration. Videos may also be animations.

The themes will be suitable for players of various age groups, different interests, and levels of patience.

The idea is to entice them into a game and get them eager to learn the themes with the hope that the ethics and morals that the episodes tell them will mold their behavior, attitude, and conduct.

There will be a Chief Theme Developer and several developers, script developers, editors, and authenticators.

As the development progresses, there will be translators (dubbing) the themes into different languages (essentially Indian and some foreign).

There will be a scrutinizer/content auditor, authenticator to ensure that the cultural and Dharmic sensitivities are preserved and not violated.

5. Chief Game Developer, Architect, and Implementer (CGDAI) (Viswakarma): TBD/TBV

This person will be in-charge of the software and communication architecture of the digital game board. He/she will lead a team of supporters that will design and layout an architecture for the game and carry out its implementation.

He/she determines the way the game progresses based on his/her architecture.

{The progression of the game is similar to any board game where the moves of the pawns are associated with the cast of the dice. I have not tried to describe those typical aspects.}

6. Chief Audio, Video Developer (CAVD): TBD/TBV

This person leads a team of people who convert the snippets for each square into textual, audio, and video presentations of various lengths and types for various versions of the game.

. Chief Financial Officer (Kubera) (CFO): TBD/TBV

This person manages the financial issues of the project in its various stages until the game is entrusted to the care of the Chief Maintainer (CM) (Vishnu) of the Game.

The funds needed for its development and maintenance in the initial stages is collected and administered by this person (CFO or Kubera) with a board of trustees (Dharmadhikaris).

8. Chief Marketing and Promotion Strategist (CMPS) (Narada): TBD/TBV

This person promotes the game in all its stages during its development until the Maintainers take charge of the game. His/her efforts will determine the popularity of the idea of the game during the initial stages and the fundraising efforts. He/she will realize that while financial support is critical to the success of the project, it is not the driving objective. The Dharmic aspects of the game are paramount. His/her commitment towards that goal and objectives are critical.

Any attempts to dilute the game for so called, Secular causes, should be resisted by this person. It is not the purpose of this game to convince others and to make the game popular with them.

9. Chief Maintainer (CM) (Vishnu) of the Game: TBD/TBV

This person or organization will be a nonprofit, Dharmic, Hindu Religious or Adhyatmic organization. They will take ownership and sustain the Game for generations. They will develop newer versions that may be required as novel technologies emerge and the Dharmic themes may have to be presented in novel forms.

10. Chief Auditor, Scrutinizer, and Authenticator (CASA) (Rudra):

This person ensures that the development and maintenance of the game does not violate any government regulations. He/she will formulate the rules and procedures of availability of the game so that the laws and regulations of the government are not violated while the Dharmic values are protected at all times. He/she will ensue that cheap imitations and copies of the game by detractors do not interfere with the goal and objectives of the primary game.

{It may be noted that the original Vaikuntapali game board had also been copied and diluted in content a evidenced by the various versions of the board seen on the Internet.}



Vaikuntapali or Parama Pada Sopana Patham has been a traditional Dharmic game of the Bharata Varsha with sacred and cultural objectives and lessons for the players. It is the intention of the present initiators to perpetuate those objectives by undertaking this effort. With strong commitment from a willing and dedicated group of people, the game can be made popular again in the digital media and it will teach high morals and cultural values to children and adults.

t is possible to instill the meaning of Vaikuntam in the Adhvaithik tradition while utilizing the Daivik symbolism for visualization.


The development of the game as described in the above should be supported wholeheartedly by all friends.

Success of the project and accomplishment of the goal is more important than personal gains in the development and sustenance of the game.


Please support the effort by volunteering your knowledge, time, and resources.

Reference Links for Vaikuntapali Game:

(13) Garikapati Narasimha Rao About Significance of Snake And Ladder | Nava Jeevana Vedam | Episode 1164 - YouTube This video link has some good explanations. or (22) Pinterest (Please see the game board here.)

పరమపద à°¸ోà°ªాà°¨ం: పరమపద à°¸ోà°ªానము ( (Sri Garikipati Narasimha Rao garu points to Vaikuntapali at 4:10 minutes in this video. He explains the principles of human attitudes and behaviors and their consequences. I understand that Sri Garikapati Narasimha Rao garu described the narrations in his novel Vaikuntapali. We should procure the book from India.)

Text is OK. But, a picture is more powerful and a well-produced pleasant video is highly impactful on our minds. Stories will leave lasting memories on our minds. They can change our behaviors. The simpler aspects are the links between good and bad deeds and the outcomes. But, the important points that should come out are of Dharmic significance. It can be illustrated only when the stories and episodes from the Dharma Sastras are linked to each precept at the ladders and snakes on the game board. Sri Garikapati Narasimha Rao garu explains some points from the game in the video at the link at the bottom.

Garikapati Narasimha Rao About Significance of Snake And Ladder | Nava Jeevana Vedam | Episode 1164

Feb 16, 2018 […]

More links to peruse still:

The following links show the versions of the game board which are not the correct versions; they are bad imitations.

Garikapati about Snakes and Ladders(Vaikuntapali) || Andhra Mahabharatam || Epi 1623 || P1




Thursday, March 25, 2021

Template for Family for Follow-Up

Template for a Guidance Document to be set up by the Head Person as the Primary Guide for the Tasks the Family should do to tidy up the affairs after that Head Person is Gone.


     Here is a template that might be set up by one in order to help one's family with guidance on Tasks the Family Members have to do in order to tidy up the affairs of the estate after that person is gone.

     This template was merely a suggestion by the writer with no obligation or guarantee that it covers all or most situations. Individuals may have to set up a list of tasks with guidance from their attorneys and accountants and based on the customs and laws of their country, state, and locality. It is the belief of the writer that this template serves the residents of US. Residents of other countries may have to get a suitable template for their own circumstances, and locations. It will, however, be of great help if knowledgeable people develop templates suitable for specific locations and make them freely available. Even if the developers of templates charge a small charge for a template, it will be good business for the developers and highly beneficial for the families.

     I will be happy if the following Template enables and excites them to develop and post good and useful Templates for the said purpose.

     I will be happier if my small contribution is acknowledged.

Task List – “After Me”

     When one is gone, those left behind will have a number of tasks to do.

      Hence, it is best if seniors prepare a list, update it periodically, and leave it where the loved ones can access it, if and when needed. Keep this document in a secure place as there can be some level of confidential information in here. Here is a template to prepare such a list with information that is appropriate in your case.

      The details here are relevant to US residents and if you live in another country, such details have to be changed.

      Please note that this is not your will. You should state where they can find your will. You should check with an attorney if this template is right for your situation.

      The preparers and providers of this template neither assume any responsibility nor provide any warranties. The user should use their discretion and judgement in utilizing this guidance template.

      Best wishes to readers.

The Template

 Part 1:

Name: ________________________________


My will can be found in the security container at ­­­­­__________________(e.g. Bank/Institution name).


Many of my accounts are jointly held with my spouse and they can be accessed by the spouse.

 The spouse should transfer such accounts to her/his name as soon as possible after me.

 Here is what should be done immediately after I am gone? [1]

 o   Get a legal pronouncement of death from a doctor or hospice nurse or call 911.

o    Arrange for transportation of the body

o    Notify my doctor (name and phone number)   __________

       or the county coroner (Name and phone number)  _________________.

o    Notify close family and friends. (List attached)

Name ________________ can contact others.

o    Handle care of dependents and pets.

o   Call my employer ________________

o    Request info about benefits and any pay due to me. Ask whether there was a life-insurance policy through the employer/company.

o   Arrange for funeral and burial or cremation (Some steps are in the Table in Part 2 below.)

o   Details, if there is a prepaid burial plan or cremation plan? (Yes ----, No ---)

o   Prepare an Obituary (See my resume).

o   I do or do not belong to a group ­­­­____________, that would handle any ceremony?

o   Ask a friend or relative ____________ to keep an eye on the home, answer the phone, collect mail, throw food out (so that it does not rot in the refrigerator), and water plants.

o   Obtain death certificates from the funeral home.

o   Get official copies of death certificate from County or State office.

o   Make multiple copies of death certificate.


Part 2:

Notify the Following

Serial No.








Legal Pronouncement of Death

Doctor (Name)




As applicable


Alternative to the above





As applicable


Alternative to the above





As applicable


Transport of Body

Funeral home






Notifying the County Coroner







Notifying friends

Location of the list (of Friends)






Inform Employer





Name of boss/colleague



Funeral home













Prepare Obituary

Location for information




Resume or website


Safe keep home

Request Friends






Death certificate

Funeral home




Make 10-20 copies


Official Death Certificates

County or State





The following organizations have to be contacted as soon as possible, perhaps, with a Copy of the Death Certificate.

Serial Number


Reference Number






Social Security Administration

My social security number




Note 1


Employer or Former Employer





Note 2







Note 3


Life Insurance Company

Insurance policy number




Note 4


Health Insurance





Note 5


Dental Insurance





Note 6


Vision Insurance





Note 7







Note 8







Note 9


Roth IRA





Note 10


Joint Account 1





Note 11


Joint Account 2





Note 12

 Note 1: Social Security:

·         Social Security office (1-800-772-1213) should be informed.

o   This prevents the SS# from being used by ID thieves.

o   They (SSA) would recalculate (for retired people) social security benefits for the spouse.

o   Since social security is paid in advance, some amount may have to be refunded to Social Security; they will tell you how much.

o   Here is my SS # (­­­­­­___-__-____) {Keep this information secure.}

 Note 2: Pension:

Some government department, or a private company, or other organizations are sending my pension monthly. They should be informed. They will stop my pension and recalculate the pension for the spouse.

Here are the Contacts for Pension: 

Note 3: Annuities:

Here are the companies that I have annuities with. They should be informed.

 Provide details here:  ...

Note 4: Life Insurance:

Congratulations! You will get some life insurance amount if you have a policy.

Here are details.  ...

Note 5: Health Insurance:

I have the following health insurance for the family. They will recalculate for spouse only.

Note 6: Dental Health Benefits:

I have been paying for the family and they should be adjusted for the spouse and family only (without me) in the future.

Note 7: Vision Benefits:

I have been paying for the family and they should be adjusted for the spouse and family only (without me) in the future.

 Note 8: IRA: Is it set up as STIRPS?

It is not essential to take the whole amount in the IRA at once by the beneficiaries. The amount can be withdrawn over many years.

Of course, there is a Required Minimum amount to be withdrawn (RMD) each year.

Contact company for details.  ------

 (Note: if you have a 401K plan instead of an IRA) provide relevant details.

Note 9: Other IRAs:

Same as Note 8.

 Note 10: Roth IRA:

There is no minimum withdrawal requirement. There are no income taxes to be paid on amounts withdrawn from Roth IRA.

 Note 11: Change Joint Account(s) to individual Account(s)

 Account Numbers: -----

Note 12: Change Joint Accounts to Individual Accounts

Account Numbers: -----

Other Notifications

Serial No.



Account Number





Post Office


Home address





Gas company





Transfer name on account



Supply company




Transfer name on account






Transfer name on account


Water, Sewer, Refuse

City or supplier




Transfer name on account


Driver License







Vehicle Title





Change owner name


Home Deed





Change owner name







Change owner name







Assets (if any!)

Serial No.


Account No.

Phone no.










Note A1







Note A2


Roth IRA





Note A3


College 529





Note A4


College 529





Note A5







Note A6







Note A7


Joint Account 1





Note A8


Stocks, Bonds, etc.





Note A9


Security Container





Note A10


Loans owed by others





Note A11


Valuable collections





Note A12


Life Insurance





Note A13

Note A1: IRA accounts

Note A2: Same as A1

Note A3: Details under accounts above

Note A4: College Savings Name and details

Note A5: College Savings Name and details

Note A6: Home: Address

Mortgage: Company name: etc. ...

Monthly amount to be paid: $ ....

Account Number: …

Phone number: …


Note A7: Land location (address):

Mortgage: Company

Monthly amount to be paid: $....

Account Number: …

Phone number: …


Note A8: Joint Account1: Bank Name

Note A9: Stocks, bonds, etc.: Name of company and details

Note A10: Security Container: Location

Note A11: Loans owed by others: Names and amount details (references)

Note A12: Valuable collections (Stamps, coins, gold, jewelry, rare manuscripts, etc.) Locations and details

Note A13: Life Insurance: Name: Beneficiary

Liabilities (Major)   (if any!)

Serial No.


Reference Number



How paid



Home Mortgage







Land Mortgage







Car Loan







Home Equity loan






L1: Mortgage on home: Company and details and location of papers

L2: Mortgage on Land: Company and details

L3: Loan or lease on Car(s): Company and details

L4: Home Equity Loan: Company and details

Other Loans: Company and details Account Numbers: ...

Liabilities/Monthly Bills to be paid

(Credit cards in my name should be cancelled and cards cut. Those in joint names should be transferred to spouse’s name only.)

Serial No.





How paid

Date bill is due



















































Store cards














NoteCC: Balances should be cleared monthly by the due date.

There should be another Template for how the other bills are paid (automatic deduction from bank account, credit card, check, cash, etc.)?


S no.


Ref No.


To Pay









Note T1







Note T2







Note T3







Note T4

Note T1: IRS: Federal Income tax: (How paid and when)

Note T2: State Income Tax: (How paid and when)

Note T3: County/City: Property Taxes: (How paid and when)

Note T4: Other.

Monthly or Periodic Bills

Serial No.





How paid








Note B1







Note B2


Water, Sewer, Refuse/Garbage





Note B3







Note B4







Note B5


Home Insurance





Note B6







Note B7


Automobile Road Assistance





Note B8


Home Owners Association (HOA)





Note B9


Property Owners Association (POA)





Note B10


Lawn Mowing





Note B11


House Cleaner





Note B12







Note B13







Note B14


Home phone





Note B15


Home security





Note B16


Phone other





Note B17


Streaming TV





Note B18


Consumer Checkbook





Note B19


Consumer Reports





Note B20







Note B21

Note B1 to B21: write guidance as applicable.

Indicate if any cancellations are to be done.

Inform if any changes should be made, in cases where they charge automatically to credit cards or bank accounts?

Note B1: Gas Bill:

Note B2: Electric Bill:

Note B3: Water, Sewer, Garbage Bill:

Note B4: Newspaper: (May be discontinued.)

Note B5: Memberships: (list)

Note B6: Home Insurance: Company, premium, date.

Note B7: Auto Insurance: Company, premium, date.

Umbrella Insurance:

Note B8: Company name:

Note B9: Home Owners Association, (HOA)

Note B10: Property Owner’s Association, (POA)

Note B11: Lawn mower, Monthly bill from

Note B12: House cleaner:

Note B13: Cable

Note B14: Internet

Note B15: Home phone

Note B16: Home security                                                   

Note B17: Phone other

Note B18: Streaming TV

Note B19: Consumer Checkbook                                   

Note B20: Consumer Reports

Note B21: Magazines (names & amounts)

Medical Bills

As we visit doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies, Insurance pays part of the charges, and we copay first and also pay balance to each doctor or provider of product or service.


S. No.


Type of practice



How paid


























































S. No.


Type of practice



How paid









Local shop







Call and cancel any refills for me or usually filled automatically by the pharmacy. 

Miscellaneous Items

Driver’s License: Cancel mine.

Yachts, Planes: If you have these items, then you are beyond this template; get your attorney’s help!

Vehicle Title: To be changed appropriately.

Vehicle Registration: To be changed appropriately.

Home Title: To be changed appropriately.

Land Title: To be changed appropriately.

Car Title: To be changed appropriately.

Vehicle Emissions test: Get it done when due & Pay by check or credit card.

Memberships: Cancel or pay when notice comes via email

Sports club memberships:

Auto Roadside Assistance: When notice comes by mail or via email.

Cable, etc.: TV, Internet, Digital Voice package

Set top box and wireless router to be returned or name changed.

Other TV: (e.g. IPTV, Yupptv,  Streaming Media)

My Domain Name: Should it be canceled, or kept up for some more years?

My Website annual hosting fee: Should it be canceled, or kept up for some more years?

Email ID: Cancel?

Wholesale Club Membership: Fee and what to do?

- Is there Reward cash amount and when does it come?

Contracts for maintenance services: Names and instructions

Home Owners Association Membership: optional ($ ...   ) Paid by check or online

Checkbook, Consumer Choice: Optional; paid by check

Magazine Subscriptions: Optional; paid by check

Whom to call list for repairs to Items, Devices, and Systems in the Home

Serial No.

What for













Air Conditioning





















Clothes Washer







Garbage Disposer














Home Security







Gas Problem














Cable TV





















Home Cleaning


























Websites & Email Accounts

Serial No.


Organization name


Account Number

Contact Info










Email Account


























If you get most billing information via your email account, it is very important that you provide the email address(es) used for each account, password, and the contact information. Such information should be secure. 

Passwords: Location of secret documents and information.

Online Accounts

Serial No.

Type of Account



Account Number

Contact Info




































  Passwords: Should be provided via a secret location for security reasons. 

Organizations (Volunteer or Professional or other) 

Serial No.

Organization Name


Reference Number







































Friends: Location ____________ of list with contact information

Relatives: Location ___________ of list with contact information.


[1] The list is put together with information from the following sources.

Please note that in this Template, the writers used the word 'you' that refers to the person preparing the document as well as the the person (possibly, Spouse) receiving instructions and details based on the context.

Alert: You may have to revise this document periodically to update it! Long live!

Comments are welcome so that I can update this Template.

- End of Document -