Monday, January 17, 2022

Postscript for E-Commerce Business for Online Education


A post script addition to E-Commerce Business for Online Education Concept

E-Commerce for Online Education allows access to good education to children and young people in villages and urban slums to a wide range of courses. There will be no need to build schools in the over six hundred thousand villages and thousands of urban slums and to provide a large number of teachers. This will mean good quality education to such children while saving significant expense, which India cannot afford anyway. Students will be able to choose the courses prescribed for them from a range of teachers and schools who offer their lectures in real time and/or online via this method.

For poor students, the state governments might offer free education coupons, which can be exchanged for online courses. Such a choice will force the teachers and schools to become competitive in offering good quality teaching.

Young people in villages and slums may also be able to take short term courses to gain new skills or improve their skills when the urban based schools offer such training. It will be cheaper for such students to take such short term courses while staying in their villages and even on a part time basis. Thus, the suggested method allows India to upgrade the skills of rural and urban slum based young folk and turn them into competent workforce fit for the modern advanced world.


Somk 1/17/2022