Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hierarchical Engineering Model of the Human Body - Long Summary

     Engineers are able to understand the behavior of complex engineering systems, such as air & space systems, chemical refineries, nuclear plants, and high performance computers, through modeling and simulation. They divide a complex system into several hierarchical levels; each level is modeled in sufficient detail by engineers and scientists well versed in those disciplines; and an integrated model is realized. 
     A hierarchical engineering model of the human body [1] is suggested in a white paper by this author. Such a model would have six levels: the whole body as a system, system of systems in the body, organs, tissues, cells, and molecules. In order to implement the engineering modeling method, we first identify several systems in the body that deal with energy, transportation, pumping, electrical, chemical, biochemical, sensing, communications, and so on. Digestive system is the body’s typical energy system with inputs of food and conversion of food into intermediate forms that are readily used by the muscles to generate mechanical energy, forces, and moments to enable various internal functions as well as external activities of humans. The circulation system, the respiratory system, and a number of other systems are similar to transportation systems that move various materials from their sources to destinations. Again, like in an engineering system, as the materials are moved from one location to another, several mechanical transformations and chemical reactions occur. Hence, thermodynamic systems analyses are applied at each level. Just as we do with engineering components, mechanical and material analyses and modeling of various components and tissues in the body can be done.

    It is the author’s view that engineering modeling of the human body will throw light on various functions of a normally healthy body and may explain a variety of illnesses and diseases. 

    Following the engineering practice, faults can be inserted into the models and the behavior of the body studied to see if certain known and unknown diseases can be modeled and simulated. Ultimately, such modeling will assist the medical, pharmaceutical, and nutritional specialists to provide humans with healthy living and great healthcare when they fall ill.

    The author suggests the development of a hierarchical model of the human body as such a model will lead to greater understanding of the healthy human and likely causes for diseases. It will lead to far reaching benefits to the medical and engineering fields

The full blog is here.

[1] Humans are spiritual and highly intelligent beings. The suggestion to develop an engineering model of the human body is not an attempt at trivializing the amazing capabilities of humans and the bodies. The functioning of the body is very complex. But we can start with the engineering functionality to begin to understand and explain how the body does the extraordinary actions.

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