Wednesday, February 24, 2016

On the need to investigate the engineering properties of Human tissues and organs

     A friend of mine sent me this link [1]. I am not sure why he sent it to me. But, the article at the link inspired me to write this blog.

     The article says, “that if you are of South Asian descent (from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives, or Nepal), you have an increased risk of developing heart disease, a big unhealthy gut, and type 2 diabetes, regardless of your other risk factors. That’s right—even if you are a slim, vegetarian, non-smoker with low cholesterol and average blood pressure, simply being Indian puts you at risk for these conditions.” The writer further states, “Your metabolism is unique,” and advises good nutrition and proper exercises.

My summarizing point:
    Good nutrition and exercise are perhaps the best advice for lay people. But, from a human body research point of view, the material characteristics and physical structure of the tissues, organs, and systems in the human body should also be investigated. Similar to the failure mechanisms of any component or system in a physical machine, human organs and systems also malfunction due to structural and operational conditions over time. In the case of humans, a research project should look at structural differences between South Asians, other Asians, and other groups to discover the fundamental contributing factors to health problems.

Detailed Description:
     Cardiac blockage, heart attack, diabetes, and other diseases are the result of organs and tissues in the human body not functioning properly. There has been a lot of medical research going on in these fields. That is good and necessary. But, from an engineer’s point of view, I think fundamental engineering research is also needed.

     Heart is a pump that circulates blood in the body. It is actually a very simple machine. It is a highly flexible container that has built-in muscles, which squeeze the walls of the container to change its volume. When the volume is at its highest, blood flows into one of its chambers. When the volume is smallest, the blood is pushed out. There are several valves that allow blood to come in and go out in the right sequence. What are the engineering considerations in the design of such a machine.
What are the pressures inside and outside the various walls? When the muscles work on the walls to change the volume to pump the blood, what is the stress distribution on the walls? Heart operates in a cyclic manner and hence, one will look at fatigue considerations also. If an engineer were to design a heart, he would want to calculate the thickness of the walls of the container, the heart. It has to be thick enough to be strong but should be thin enough to be flexible as its volume is constantly (periodically) changing. There should be no points that would lead to stress concentration. What are the characteristics of the material of the tissue that makes up the walls and other parts of the heart? That is, what is the elastic modulus, tensile, compressive, and shear strength values of the material of the tissue that makes up the walls of the heart. Are these values uniform or are they varying throughout the walls and other areas of the heart?
     Blood is actually a mixture of several chemicals and there may be some gases also dissolved in it. Compressibility and incompressibility and viscoelasticity of such a fluid would have an effect on the operation of the heart as a pump. It is also possible that there is some heat transfer taking place between the fluid (blood), the walls of the heart, and other surrounding parts of the body.
     I will leave a discussion of the valves in the heart for now.
     Blood comes into the heart and flows in and out through the arteries and veins. Arteries and veins are highly elastic-plastic pipes. Blood flow through such pipes is actually harmonic or pulsatile, i.e. it is not steady state. When the heart pushes blood through one of those pipes, the walls would expand while the blood moves on. At the next part of the cycle, the pipes collapse to a lower size and perhaps, the cross-sectional shape also changes. These changes impose stresses on the pipe walls. Of course, the pipes are not hanging loosely but are supported by other tissues. Thus, the properties of the material of the tissues of these pipes (blood vessels) will determine the shape of the blood flow passages. The fluid flow itself depends on the Reynolds numbers of the flow at various points along the pipes. During its passage, blood is undergoing chemical reactions with other fluids across the (semipervious) walls, its properties are changing continually as it flows. Friction factors will determine the hydraulic resistance to flow and the pressure drops along the path of blood flow and that pressure drop is what the heart is pumping against. These pipes (arteries, veins, and capillaries) are not smooth, round, and straight. Thus, there is always a chance for some solid particles to get stagnant at some locations unless forced by fast currents. Depending on what a person is doing physically, there is demand for more or less blood by various organs since blood is simply a transport medium. Blood plays a role similar to what water plays in a coal slurry transportation system.
     What has all this got to do with people of different ethnic groups and their problems with their hearts?
     It is perhaps true that the food they consume would influence their heart health and therefore the diseases they are subjected to. But, have the researchers measured the differences in the thickness distribution of the heart walls in people of various ethnicities and different food intakes? Have they compared the physical characteristics (Elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio) of the tissues that make up the heart and blood vessels?
     Some measurements could be made on cadavers and results compared. It is perhaps necessary and possible to make measurements of live tissues during heart surgeries. That may show a need for special measurement devices such that the measurements are quick and do not interfere with the critical procedures.

     Readers may please note that this blog is written by a retired engineer and not by one with any medical knowledge. This blog writer believes that there is need for engineering modeling of the entire human body.

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