Sunday, November 13, 2022

E-Commerce Business for Online Education in India

Som posted on Facebook: TBD I hope that Indian educators will do a thorough review of alternatives and come up with great approaches to have one hundred percent of the people educated, skilled, and highly knowledgeable about how to move up the ladders of creativity, innovation, manufacturing, economic, wealth building, safety, and security, with genuine effort, integrity, honesty, and forthright attitude. Education is a lifelong activity and not a one-off event. It is multi-dimensional and not a simple consumption of stale content. The link at the bottom leads to my concept on E-Business for Online Education. PM chairs a high-level meeting to review the progress in the implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 Published By : Admin | May 7, 2022 | 18:05 IST [...] IdeaSagar: Postscript for E-Commerce Business for Online Education (

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Online Vaikutapali Game Development Project

Concept for the development of a Digital version of the Vaikuntapali game The Concept for the Development of a Digital Version of the Vaikuntapali Game (Version 1) Somayajulu Karamchetty 11 August 2022 A word of caution: In my opinion, it is the worst idea to call it a game of “Snakes and Ladders.” Let us continue to call it Vaikuntapali. Yes! It is a game but its purpose is to teach children (and some grown-ups) the Adhyathmika, Vedic, and Daivika values. Short-term goals and objectives: Create interest in children in the game. Instill the moral and ethical values in the children and some adults too. Long-term goals and objectives: Introduce them to Dharmic, Daivika, Adhyathmika, and Vedik values. Introduce instruction and provide resources to learn about Dharmic knowledge. Schedule: These will be done by developing versions of the game over a 5 to 10 year period. Reach: Strat in Telugu language for Telugu speaking people initially and then dub it into Hindi and on to other Indian and foreign languages depending on resources and interest. Medium: Computer Graphics, text, audio, video, animations, and live Videos. Number of Players: Single versus Teams online. History: We need to do a literature search and find out who invented this game and when. One of the videos states that this game was invented some two centuries BC. Brief Description about the Game: In the old days, when paper is the only medium available, the game had certain limitations. They used words and pictures to teach players some spiritual and cultural values. The elders in the family and society explained deeper meanings or stories related to the pictures in the squares. There are three types of squares on the game board. One type of square instructs, “You do good, and you move to (Oordhva gathi) higher levels.” The second type of square instructs, “You do bad, and you move downward (Adhogathi).” The third type of square instructs, “You do routine things, you move ok or stay there until your next turn of the Kalagathi (dice).” The move is determined by (the throwing of) Dice (Kalagathi). In that sense, you cannot move arbitrarily at your own will. You have to bow down to the spin of the Kalachakram (Dice). As you land in a square, it tells you what you have done and what the consequences are. Thus, each square teaches a lesson. If a child is simply interested in winning the game, the very purpose of the game is lost. The game is a simulation exercise that teaches Dharmic values and good behavior. Win or lose the game, the lessons taught by each square should be absorbed by the players. In the traditional set up, knowledgeable and experienced (older) players explained the lessons that the words and pictures in a square were imparting. With computerized game, there is no need for a human expert to impart the lessons. The game system can/should do that. Such a method preserves and perpetrates the original intention of the game developers. With computer systems, it is possible to provide instructions in the form of text that players read, pictures they see, audio that they hear, and video that they watch. It is possible to play the game online (in later versions) and pravachanakars can interact with players and explain some of the values and stories if we miss to capture them in the computer version. There can be several versions of the game at the choice of the players. 1. A version that is purely for fun and to kill time. (This version is only to attract novices and should be removed after the later versions are introduced and the game becomes popular.) 2. A version that gives short lessons such that the game proceeds faster with minimal instruction of the values. 3. A version that gives basic lessons on actions (or behavior) and the results (or consequences). 4. Advanced versions with longer videos that go into details of the characteristics of our actions and the consequential returns with exemplary stories (puranic as well as social). 5. A version may provide links to puranic episodes and Vedic and Upanishadic sources so that interested people pursue such sources for deeper knowledge and understanding. 6. Each version is translated and dubbed into other Indian and foreign languages based on the availability of resources, interest, and markets. From a business point of view, the versions try to get the player to view the game first and then to devote time to learn the deeper details. They try to interest them, hook them and then motivate them to learn the devotional and philosophical principles. In a short time, we will be providing game boards in various languages (as we get volunteers to translate the captions.) We are looking for volunteers to write knowledge chunkks for each square and subsequently translators tp transfer them into various Indian languages. A basic version of the game has been developed but we are seeking volunteers to help us with coding with all the details. Conclusion: Vaikuntapali or Parama Pada Sopana Patham has been a traditional Dharmic game of the Bharata Varsha with sacred and cultural objectives and lessons for the players. It is the intention of the present initiators to perpetuate those objectives by undertaking this effort. With strong commitment from a willing and dedicated group of people, the game can be made popular again in the digital media and it will teach high morals and cultural values to children and adults. It is possible to instill the meaning of Vaikuntam in the Adhvaithik tradition while utilizing the Daivik symbolism for visualization. Recommendation: The development of the game as described in the above should be supported wholeheartedly by all friends. Success of the project and accomplishment of the goal is more important than personal gains in the development and sustenance of the game. Appeal: Please support the effort by volunteering your knowledge, time, and resources.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Okara Snack Recipes

Okara Snack Recipes 1. Okara Sweet Mixture 2. Okara Sweet Bars (Burfi) 3. Okara Ariselu 4. Okara Chocolates 5. Okara Sweet Samosas What is Okara: Soya beans are soaked in water and then blended and liquefied. The mixture is filtered and Soya milk is recovered. Soya pulp is collected in the filter and it is called Okara. Okara is nutritious. It is currently wasted as people do not know its value. Some people do not like Soya beans and Soya milk. But, Okara is actually tasteless. It is rich in fiber, which is good for digestive health. Quality of Okara: It is important that we ensure that we use quality Okara in our preparations. The characteristic foul smell tells us that Okara is spoiled. Preserving Okara: Okara spoils very fast. If left outside, it gets spoiled in 2 to 3 hours. If kept in the refrigerator, it may last up to 10 to 12 hours. If kept in the freezer section of the refrigerator, it keeps good for several (3 to 6) months. Preserving Okara Products: Okara sweet mix can be kept outside for a few days. It can stay in the freezer for several months. When exposed to moisture (water), Okara products spoil very fast. It is best to keep them in sealed bags in a container. Note about Okara preparations and recipes: The recipes are very traditional Indian preparations. Okara is used in place of traditional ingredients like Besan (Chenna dal flour). Those people who do not like to use Sugar, they can use Gud (Jaggery). Normally, we can add other ingredients (like cashew, sesame seeds, coconut, almonds, raisins, pistachios, and elachi), but, I do not use any of them as I want people to feel the taste of Okara alone. These other ingredients can be added later on if some people like to when they make them. Questions: Please ask Som Karamchetty (, (240) 328-6513) about these recipes.   1. Okara Sweet Mixture Ingredients: Okara (wet): 1 cup (430 grams) Water: small quantity to melt and make Gud (jaggery) syrup. Sugar or Jaggery (Gud): 160 grams Butter or Ghee: 45 grams (Note: The proportions are determined to suit the tastes and the health considerations of Indian-Americans and Americans. They do not like too much sweet and too much butter because of concerns about diabetes, weight gain, and heart complaints. If sugar or gud is reduced too much, the mixture will not hold together. It is very hard to make solid burfis. People in India may like more sugar or gud and more ghee. It can be increased as needed.) Process: Step 1. If gud (Jaggery is used instead of sugar), it is best to place gud with a little quantity of water and heat it up on medium heat. Let it become syrup. Stir continuously. Make sure that the syrup is clean by removing any foreign particles in it. Heat until the gud syrup comes to one or two thread consistency. Step 2. Mix the ingredients (Okara mixture, Sugar or the gud syrup (prepared in step 1) and the ghee in a thick vessel or a deep frying pan. Stir the mixture and heat it at medium to high heat. It takes about 45 minutes of heating and stirring. It becomes a thick paste. It turns slightly yellowish brown in color. 4. Place the mixture into a plate. It can be made into a round shaped ball or a cubicle shaped block. Let it cool. Store in a dry container and close the lid so that moisture does not enter it. It makes about 300 grams of sweet mix. Note: The sweet mix can be taken out when it is soft (and not hardened and dried too much) if it is used for some other process while it is still fresh. This mix will be used in other recipes.   2. Okara Sweet Bars (Burfi) 2. Okara Sweet Bars (Burfi) The recipe is very similar to that for Okara Sweet Mix. Ingredients: Okara (wet): 1 cup (430 grams) Water: Small quantity Sugar or Jaggery (Gud): 160 grams (slightly more for those who like very sweet burfis) Butter or Ghee: 45 grams Process: Step 1: If gud (Jaggery is used instead of sugar), it is best to place gud with a small quantity of water and heat it up on medium heat. Let it become syrup. Stir continuously. Make sure that the syrup is clean by removing any foreign particles in it. Heat until the gud syrup comes to one thread or two threads consistency. Step 2: Take a shallow plate and spray some vegetable oil on it lightly. It is preferable that that oil has no fragrance of its own. This plate will be ready to receive the Okara Burfi mixture. Step 3: Mix the ingredients (Okara mixture, Sugar or the gud syrup (prepared in step 1) and the ghee in a thick vessel or a deep frying pan. Stir the mixture and heat it at medium to high heat. It takes about 45 minutes of heating and stirring. It becomes a thick paste. It turns slightly yellowish brown in color. Okara gets roasted in the process. Step 4: Place the mixture into the plate prepared in step 2. Press the mixture so that the paste gets the shape of the plate and spreads uniformly. By pressing it hard, we get a harder and thicker burfi that holds together. If we press less, the burfi will not stick together; it crumbles into pieces when it cools. (When we use too much Gud syrup, the mixture and burfi holds together very well. But, when we use less Gud syrup, We have to press the mixture hard while it is still hot for the burfi to hold and not crumble into pieces.) Step 5: After 2 or three minutes. Cut the mixture into desired shapes. Step 6: Let the Burfis cool. Pry and take the burfi pieces and save them. It makes about 30 pieces of 10 grams each. Cold burfis can be wrapped in wrapping paper. Reference:   3. Okara Ariselu Ingredients: Okara (wet): 1 cup (430 grams) Rice flour*: 250 grams Jaggery: 400 grams Ghee: 2 table spoons Water: small quantity Oil (with no flavor): for frying * Usually, they use rice flour made from soaked and dried rice. In this case, it is not necessary to soak the rice first, dry it, and then grind it to a powder; we can use rice flour available in the shops. Okara is the main ingredient, which has gone through an equivalent process. We have to add some rice flour to keep the Okara from sticking together. In addition, we cook Okara and rice flour together for 10 to 15 minutes. Process: Step 1: Place Jaggery in a sauce pan and add half a cup of water and let it come to boil. Let it become thick syrup with two strings (i.e. when a small quantity of the Jaggery Gud syrup would become a ball when placed in cold water for test). Take it off the cooking range/stove and place it aside. Keep it warm. Step 2: Place Okara and rice flour in another saucepan, mix, and cook for ten to 15 minutes. Add the cooked jaggery Gud syrup and one tablespoon of Ghee (or butter) Mix thoroughly and cook for about 15 minutes. It becomes a nice paste similar in consistency when it can be made into round balls that stick together and not break into pieces. Step 3: Make half of an inch to three quarters of an inch diameter balls. Keep them covered so that they do not dry up. On a banana leaf or a cellophane sheet or a plastic sheet add a couple of drops of oil and flatten the round balls into disc shape (puri) about one eighth of an inch thick. Step 4: In a frying pan add oil and start frying the Okara mix discs. When they turn deep brown, take them out using two ladle strainers (with holes). Take one fried okara Sweet mix disc (Arise) on to a ladle strainer and place another ladle strainer on top and press the fried Arise in between the two ladles and gently squeeze the oil out of the fried disc. Place the fried disc on a plate with a paper on it to absorb any remaining oil. Step 5: Let the Ariselu cool and pack them. References: The video at this link gives a good view of traditional Ariselu. Other links: 4. Okara Chocolates The Recipe is removed for now.   5. Okara Sweet Samosas Using Okara Sweet mix as the filling instead of coconut or other traditional fillings and Atta or Maida (wheat) outer layers. The recipe and process are not described as it is similar to that used for making regular sweet samosa. -0-

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Friday, February 18, 2022

Digital Vaikuntapali Project - Brief Description in Telugu

వైకుంఠపాళి ప్రణాళిక - తెలుగులో క్లుప్తముగా

కంప్యూటర్ మీద గాని , ఇంటర్నెట్ లో గాని ఆడుకునేందుకు  వైకుంఠపాళి ఆటను అమెరికాలొ తయారు చెయ్యడానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తున్నాము.  

పూర్వం, అంటే ఓ అరవై డెబ్బయి  ఏళ్ల క్రిందట అత్తలు మామ్మలు మేము వైకుంఠపాళి ఆట ఆడుతూవుంటే మంచి చెడూ ఎలాగ నిచ్చెనల లాగా పాములు లాగా మనల్ని ముందుకు వెనకకు తీసుకు వెళతాయో చెప్పేవారు. దానితో పిల్లలకు మంచి చెడు విచక్షణ నేర్ప గలిగేవారు. ఇప్పుడు సమష్టి కుటుంబాలు లేకపోవడముతో ఆ అవకాశము పోయింది.

పిల్లలు కంప్యూటర్ల మీద ఏవో పిచ్చి ఆటల్లో పడ్డారు.

అయితే ఆలోచించి తయారు చేస్తే వైకుంఠపాళి ఆట మళ్ళీ పూర్వము లాగ మంచి చెడులను విచక్షణను నేర్ప గలదు.

ఇదే మా లక్ష్యం!    


పిల్లలు ఆట ఆడుతున్నప్పుడు ప్రతి గడి కి వాళ్ళ పిక్క (pawn) వచ్చినప్పుడు వాళ్ళకి చిన్న సందేశం ఇవ్వ బడుతుంది. ఆ సందేశం బొమ్మ (picture) గా గాని, వ్రాత (text) గా గాని, ఆడియో (audio) లేక విడియో (video) మాధ్యమం (medium) లొ గాని వస్తుంది.

చిన్న పిల్లలకి, కొంచము పెద్దవాళ్ళకి, వాళ్ళకి తగినట్లు సందేశం అందుతుంది. 

ఇప్పటికి Okalahoma State University లో ఉత్తమ విద్యలో వున్న ముగ్గురు విద్యార్థులు computer program తయారు చేస్తున్నారు. శ్రమ దానం చేస్తున్నారు. 

తదితరుల సహాయము కూడా రాబోతున్నది. 


మాకు ఒక్కొక్క గడి కి తగిన సందేశం కావాలి.

సందేశము దైవిక ఆధ్యాత్మిక విజ్ఞానం తెలిసిన వారు  వ్రాస్తే బాగుంటుందని ఆశిస్తున్నాము. 

బ్రహ్మశ్రీ గరికిపాటి నరసింహారావు గారు వైకుంఠపాళి మీద ఒక ప్రవచనములో చాల చక్కగా విశదంగా చెప్పేరు. అహం వున్న వాడు మళ్ళీ కొంత పతనమయి క్రిందకు వెళతాడని స్పష్టం చేసారు. 

అదే విధంగా వారు తదితర పాములకు నిచ్చెనలకు సందేశాలు చెప్తే వైకుంఠపాళి ఆట కంప్యూటర్ మీద రాణిస్తుంది. 

ఆ సందేశాలను తదితర భారతీయ భాషలలోనికి తర్జుమా చేసి వైకుంఠపాళి ఆటను భారత దేశమంతటా దొరికే విధానానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తాము. 

మళ్ళీ మన పిల్లలకు సత్ప్రవర్తన ఆధ్యాత్మిక చింతన వచ్చే అవకాశం వుంటుందని ఆశిస్తున్నాము.

చివరికి ఈ ఆట ను ఒక భారతీయ ధర్మ సంస్థ కు అప్పగించాలని మా వుద్దేశ్యము. ఆ సంస్థ వైకుంఠపాళి ఆటను తర తరాలుగా  పిల్లలకు అంద చేసి వాళ్ళ రూపు రేఖలను ధర్మ శాస్త్ర పరంగా తిప్ప గలదని మా ఆశ.

మీ సహాయం అర్ధిస్తున్నాము. మీ ధనసహాయము అడగడము లేదు. కొన్ని గళ్ళకు (squares) చిన్న సందేశాలు వ్రాయగలరని ఆశిస్తున్నాము.

ఒక నమూనా పొందు పరచి పంపుతున్నాము. 

మీ సహాయము ఈ ఆటను త్వరగా పూర్తి చేయగలదు. 

మీ వ్రాత గాని ఆడియో లేక విడియో గాని పంపించండి.


ఇట్లు విధేయుడు,

సోమయాజులు కారంచేటి, Potomac, Maryland, USA   


Thursday, February 3, 2022

వైకుంఠపాళి ఆట - గడి 121 => 99


Subject: వైకుంఠపాళి ఆట - గడి 121 => 99

నమూనా (Sample):  అహంకారము అంటే గర్వము. అది మంచి గుణము కాదు.

అహంకారము అంటే ఏమిటి? 

This is the Text or write-up for Square number 121 on the Vaikuntapali Board.

The same content may also be presented as Audio and/or video for the game.

భాగవతములో చిత్రకేతుని కధలో అహంకారం గురించి చెప్పబడిందిఅహంకారము అంటే అన్నీ నాకే తెలుసునా కన్నా తెలివైనవారు లేరునేను బలవంతుడినినేను అందరికన్నా శక్తిగల వాడిని, నేను విజ్ఞానిని, అని గర్వించి మాట్లాడడము, విర్ర వీగి ప్రవర్తిస్తూ, యితరులను అవమానించడమోనిందించడమోగాయపరచడమోబాధ పెట్టడమో, హింసించడమో చెయ్యడము అహంకార లక్షణాలు. అలా చేస్తే, ఆ వ్యక్తి అహంకారం చూపిస్తున్నాడన్న మాట. ఇది చాల తప్పు నడవడికమనిషికి అహంకారము ఉండ కూడదు. 

 ఇతరులను గౌరవించడమువారితో మర్యాదగా స్నేహభావముతో మాట్లాడడము అహంకారము లేని వారు ప్రదర్శించే మంచి పద్ధతి.

జీవితంలో వేరే ఎంత మంచి పనులు చేసినా అహంకారి అధోగతి పాలవుతాడు.

చిత్రకేతుడు మిక్కిలి  శాంతస్వభావం కల వాడులోకాతీతులైన మహానుభావులతో సమానుడువిష్ణుభక్తుడు. కాని, చిత్రకేతుడు జితేంద్రియుడ నన్న అహంకారంతో జగజ్జనకుడైన పరమేశ్వరుణ్ణి పరిహసించేడు. పార్వతీదేవి కోపగించుకొని, "నీ అహంకారమునకు ఫలముగా పాపకార్యాలకు  నెలవైన రాక్షసుడిగా జన్మించు. ఇక ముందైనా మహానుభావులైన వారిని అవమానించకు," అని శపించింది.

అతడే వృత్రాసురుడు అనే రాక్షసుడు గా జన్మించేడు.

క్లుప్తముగా చెప్పాలంటే, అహంకారము అంటే గర్వము. అది మంచి ప్రవర్తన కాదు.

ఈ ఆటలో 121వ గడి నుండి 99వ గడికి దిగి పోవాలి. అంటే అధోగతి (క్రిందకు పోవడము) వస్తుంది అన్నమాట.

 ఆధారము: పోతన భాగవతము, తిరుమల తిరుపతి దేవస్థానము ప్రచురణ, ఆరవ స్కంధము - చిత్రకేతూపాఖ్యానము పేజీ 502 మొదలు; వృత్రాసుర వృత్తాంతము పేజీ 462 మొదలు.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Cycles: Events Repeat and not Sequential in Nature

 Cycles: Events Repeat and not Sequential in Nature

The New Year has come and a month has already gone. The weekend has come and even half of the week is gone.
Most of the time, we seemed to be looking at events and happenings in linear terms while they are actually cyclic.
Being earthlings, we measure distances in linear terms - miles, feet, kilometers, meters and so on while the earth on which we live is round rather than flat. We actually travel along an arc, a small one or a large one. It comes from our millenniums ago concept of a flat earth.

We work in Cartesian coordinates. Perhaps, spherical coordinates would have been very difficult to comprehend and do calculations.

As was thinking about cycles, I ran into my old draft in my archives. I am reproducing it below here.

Cycles - small and big

Som Karamchetty



The heavens move in cycles and so do the atoms.

Many things in between are cyclic.


Our earth rotates at one cycle per year, i.e 365.25 * 24 * 3600 seconds around the Sun.


The earth rotates around itself once a day, i.e. 24 * 3600 seconds.


Sun has a cycle, so do all the planets.


We get 60 or 50 Hertz electric supply.


Our cell phones, garage doors, and the TV remote operate at several hundred mega Hertzs.


A battery supplies DC electricity, i.e. there is no period. Alternatively a cycle takes infinitely long time (or infinite seconds).


When a wave form is not harmonic, Fourier analysis is conducted and the various frequencies are determined.


A so called DC supply can actually be broken into harmonics if we have a beginning (zero) and an ending zero to the supply.


Light has certain frequencies.


A philosophical question is, what are the lowest and highest frequencies? God only knows, perhaps.



Crops come in cycles. There is a season when harvesting is done. The produce is stored or otherwise treated. It is consumed over a different cycle.


As an example, consider the growing of wheat. Wheat is harvested once a year (in a particular location at least). Then it processed and ultimately converted to bread (or other products). These products are consumed at a different frequency. It is approximately, 365 * 3 (assuming three bread meals a day).


Cows give milk at a certain frequency (twice a day), hen lay eggs once a day, and so on. People consume foods thrice a day (not counting the occasional munchies).


Electricity is produced in cycles and consumed in other cycles.


Water is gained from a cyclic rain and is consumed in a (approximate) cyclic fashion.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Postscript for E-Commerce Business for Online Education


A post script addition to E-Commerce Business for Online Education Concept

E-Commerce for Online Education allows access to good education to children and young people in villages and urban slums to a wide range of courses. There will be no need to build schools in the over six hundred thousand villages and thousands of urban slums and to provide a large number of teachers. This will mean good quality education to such children while saving significant expense, which India cannot afford anyway. Students will be able to choose the courses prescribed for them from a range of teachers and schools who offer their lectures in real time and/or online via this method.

For poor students, the state governments might offer free education coupons, which can be exchanged for online courses. Such a choice will force the teachers and schools to become competitive in offering good quality teaching.

Young people in villages and slums may also be able to take short term courses to gain new skills or improve their skills when the urban based schools offer such training. It will be cheaper for such students to take such short term courses while staying in their villages and even on a part time basis. Thus, the suggested method allows India to upgrade the skills of rural and urban slum based young folk and turn them into competent workforce fit for the modern advanced world.


Somk 1/17/2022