Saturday, December 2, 2017

From Dreams to Reality

Young people fall in love. Some of that love lasts sixty years while it could also last sixty seconds.
The fallacy is that smart people go on networks to research a lot of information but when it comes to selecting a partner for life, they do not even ask for a resume. When elders are involved in marriage negotiations, they do not even ask  the candidate about his or her health, wealth, IQ, or habits.
Of course, the state of either bride or groom at the time of betrothal is not likely to be the same for a sixty plus years of married life. Hence, it is best to develop parameters along which either man or woman would have strong viewpoints and evaluate if there are differences and if both or either side can compromise such that the married life is long, peaceful, prosperous, and enjoyable.
From my childhood, I visited or lived in homes of friends and relatives and has been a witness to serious discussions or debates or fights among couples and families. Based on such experience, I developed a framework and put together a couple of presentations and a document. I am posting them here.
I plan to develop (at a later time) compatibility or disparity strips showing various parameters along which there can be agreement or disagreement and the necessity to compromise by various parties interested in the couple's relationship.
For now, please do comment on the briefings posted. I am hoping that good writers would write stories (especially in Telugu) that show differences initially and how realization sets in, corrections are made, and married life becomes prosperous and enjoyable for the couple in each story.

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