Friday, July 24, 2020

A Strategic Plan is needed to address the Problems of the US Black Community

Black Lives Matter - Need for a Strategic Plan

By Som Karamchetty, PhD

     The Need for the development of a Strategic Plan is suggested here. It starts with identifying the Basic Needs of the Black community. Maslow's Need Hierarchy is the appropriate framework to analyse the Needs. It will be realized that the prior attempts like Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action (AA) have helped a small fraction of the community, while the vast majority have been  forsaken. It has actually been costing the nation in terms of welfare payments to the vast majority as well as wasted human potential. Therefore, it is essential to get a good handle on the Needs of the large majority of that community and address them.
     Once the Basic Needs of the majority of the community are identified, the nation should build step ladders such that people can satisfy their basic needs, move up the ladder, and become highly contributing people. In practical terms, it may only require training in knowledge and skills of the modern technological economy, provision of the tools, and networks. A Strategic Plan should be developed, resourced, and executed. It will actually have a high return on investment both economically and socially.
     Leaders of the Black community have a higher stake in taking the lead in putting forth a plan for the Strategic Plan in collaboration with the majority of Americans.

Here is a presentation explaining the concept and method.

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