Saturday, July 4, 2020

Plan for a Developed Country Status for India

     I sent a note in 2005-06 to Indian leaders suggesting that by applying Maslow's Need Hierarchy, they should develop a Strategic Plan for making India a developed country.
     In 2015, I gave talks at a few Indian universities and the presentation, I used at that time is reproduced here. That presentation used the 2005 US and India data sets only.

That presentation is posted here.

An Enhancement of this plan

     In autocratic countries, a centralized planning may work as the leadership imposes it on the people whether or not the people like it or benefit from it. 
     On the other hand, in democratic countries, unless the plan components are generated by the people, they will not participate in it with passion and enthusiasm. Leaders in democratic nations do not and cannot impose their will on people. People may displace the governments if they do not like the plan or if the results do not benefit them.
    With a view to addressing such concerns, I suggested the development of Panchayat level Planning, which is an enhancement of the plan presented above. This planning method is also posted on my Blog as a 
Document and as a Presentation.

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