Thursday, July 30, 2020

Claimed benefits of Subhas Palekar Method of Farming

Palekar Method of Farming

Here is a short note and some links that discussed about Palekar method of Farming.
It is worthwhile reading, analyzing, and evaluating this method for scaling, and then adopting it.

It appears that Palekar method of farming is quite beneficial to farmers, especially with small acreages in India.

Here are some claims:
It is yielding 5 to 10 times financial returns than before.
It provides a continual cash flow to farmers.
It uses local labor but not in large quantity.
It uses machinery to a small extent.
It is quite suitable for farmers holding 1 to 10 acres.
It utilizes cows thus helping the Hindu cause.
It is good for multiple products that are also organic.
It does not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
It requires a small investment of money.
It requires the framer to learn the technique, which is not complex.
It utilizes domestic varieties of seeds.

Here are some links:

I have some posts on Facebook; here is a link:



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