Thursday, September 13, 2018

Loyalty Versus Dharma

      While reading Valmiki Ramayana (Telugu translation by Acharya Pullela Sriramachnadrudu garu), it occurred to me why certain current Indian Congress party officials and US Administration officials go along with adharmic rulers.
     Mareecha stated that it was better to die at the hands of Rama rather than those of Ravana since he perceived Ravana as adharmic. But, he lures Rama away from Janasthanam and gets killed by Rama’s bow. However, just before dying, he does Ravana’s bidding; he screams Lakshmana’s name in Rama’s voice to lure Lakshmana also away from Janasthanam and leave Sitadevi alone for Ravana to abduct her.
     This is an example of a case where competent people despite knowing the right thing carry out wrong actions and justify their actions as loyalty to their paymaster.
     In the Mahabharata also, Dronacharya, Bhishma, and others tolerated Duryodhana’s bad deeds and fought on his side justifying their inactions and actions as loyalty to the paymaster.
     According to the available news reports, US Administration officials appear to be placing loyalty above what is right for the country.
     The second wrung leaders of Congress party in India do the same out of loyalty to Nehru Gandhi dynasty and forsake dharma.

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