Monday, September 17, 2018

Maslow Hierarchical Revolutions

Maslow Hierarchical Revolutions

     Human needs are easily described in terms of Maslow's Need Hierarchy. I start with that broad categorization of Needs. In order to satisfy those Needs, society undertakes production of goods and services. It is obvious that lower level Needs are satisfied with goods that are produced by people (with help from animals and machines) and they also require some but not a great deal of sophisticated knowledge. The Needs at higher levels require greater knowledge.
     As Maslow explained, as people satisfy their lower level needs, they yearn to satisfy their higher level Needs.
     I developed the following presentation explaining that we will require Revolutionary movement up the Need Ladder because those people who satisfy their lower level Needs do not rest but want to move upwards. They are not going to wait for long to move upwards. Hence, there is a global requirement to work on revolutionary movement. Such a movement has to be planned by national leaders, economists, technologists, and many other professionals. I have sketched an outline for a strategic plan to accomplish such a revolution.

     Please view the presentation.

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